The main thing to establish with an effusion is if it is an exudate or a transudate.
Traditionally a transudate was defined as containing <3g/dl of protein. However, some doctors prefer to use Light's criteria for determining which label to apply (a criteria which will misclassify 25% of transudates as exudates...)
Lights criteria is that for a fluid to be an exudate it must either have:
- pleural:serum protein > 0.5 or
- pleural:serum LDH > 0.6 or
- pleural LDH >2/3 upper limit of serum LDH
So, obviously to make your diagnosis you need a pleural fluid sample and a blood sample. You should send your pleural sample off for:
- cell count
- cytology
- glucose
- protein
- amylase
- pH
- Ziel-nielson staining
Armed with the knowledge of transudate or exudate, you can spin forth a list of diffentials:
Causes of transudates:
- heart failure
- renal failure
- liver failure
- peritoneal dialysis
- hypothyroidism
- Meigs
- constrictive pericarditis
Causes of exudates:
- infection: TB, pneumonia, subphrenic abscess
- inflammation: Dresslers, pancreatitis, SLE, RA
- malignancy: mesothelioma, local cancer, lymphoma
- other: PE, uraemia, yellow nail syndrome
As the list of differentials is still quite big, apart from your clinical acumen some of the other pleural fluid results can help narrow it out:
Glucose <3.3 or pH <7.2 or raised LDH suggests:
- TB
- malignancy
- empyema
- RA
Raised amylase suggests:
- pancreatitis
- carcinoma
- bacterial pneumonia
- oesophageal rupture
Cytology results can give more clues:
- neutrophils: pneumonia, TB
- lymphocytes: malignancy, TB, RA, SLE, sarcoid
- mesothial cells ++ : pulmonary infarction
- multinucleated giant cells: RA
- lupus cells: SLE
Hopefully these lists should equip you well for any MRCP pleural effusion questions (or even, shock horror, real life on the wards!)
On to the final battle of today, yellow nail syndrome