We will consider alopecia in 3 sections:
- autoimmune
- scarring
- non-scarring
Alopecia areata
- Alopecia areata is thought to be an autoimmune condition in which there are 'patches' of hair loss.
- hair regrows in 50% of sufferers within a year
- hair regrows in 80-90% of sufferers eventually
- it is associated with:
- autoimmune thyroid disease
- pernicious anaemia
- addisons
- vitiligo
- nail dystrophy
- cataracts
- alopecia totalis refers to complete loss of all hair on scalp
- alopecia universalis refers to loss of all body hair
Scarring alopecia
Causes of scarring alopecia include:
- infections: TB, syphyllis
- radiotherapy
- sarcoidosis
- lichen planus
Non-scarring alopecia
Causes of non-scarring alopecia include:
- areata
- hypopituitarism
- hypo/hyper thyroidism
- pregnancy
- carbimazole
- thiouracil
- lithium
- iron deficiency
- chronic illness
Next up... some discoid lupus...